- Benefits of LabNet XPress   
- Existing PPO Networks   
- Initial Data Analysis   
- LabNet XPress Implementation   

Benefits of LabNet XPress 

LabNet XPress will save you significantly on your lab testing expense. EMDx's contracted fee schedules with the largest clinical diagnostic labs in the country contain rates that can be 50% - 70% off normal billed charges.

There is no net-cost for LabNet XPress. EMDx revenue is generated from a percentage of the savings.

LabNet XPress does not require any benefit plan changes.

The patient is the direct beneficiary of LabNet XPress. When benefits are applied correctly to the discounted bill, the patient will get the complete benefit of the savings. For example, an average lab bill is around $100. If the EMDx discount is 50%, than the patient's 20% co-insurance would decrease from $20 to $10.

LabNet XPress implementation is quick and easy, saving you money faster. Our fee schedules are loaded directly on to your claims system. There is no disruption to your normal claims processing operation.

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